
Choose the item you want to buy on Metaspacecy Aptos Marketplace, with the status button displayed "Buy Now". Then click the "Buy Now" button to buy it.

Finally, you'll need to confirm the payment token to complete the purchase.

Buy items with other currencies on testnet

NOTE: users need to pay attention to the type of cryptocurrency being listed. Users can only buy when they have the same coin in their wallet with the item being sold. In case, users click "Buy Now" without the same cryptocurrency that is available in their wallet, the wallet will notify them of a "Transaction Error" that this cryptocurrency has not been registered.

After that, users can choose the "Faucet" button to receive coins to be able to buy items and at the same time register the type of cryptocurrency for that coin.

Next, users need to confirm twice with their wallet, first to confirm the registration of coin type. You need to check the wallet again after completing confirmation.

Finally, return to complete the item purchase with another coin.

Last updated