Virtual Times Square

Starting from a Web 2 company, we used to work with many local brands and see the pain points of them: cost to operate an offline store, cost for running ads on e-commerce platforms, looking for competitive advantage.

The virtual New York Times Square model is built as the real Times Square for people to come and experience the Metaverse.

Metaspacecy supports local businesses building virtual 3D stores on this famous venue which they cannot do in their original life. People are able to walk around, shopping inside with simulation characters, 3D displayed products. From that, local businesses enhance customer's experience and turn it into a competitive advantage against their competitors.

Every local brand has their certain number of customers, as the consequence, the more stores built, the more users on Metaspacecy metaverse. In additional, the virtual experience as real as normal life can raise consumption number via encouraging people to purchase around city and become mutual customers among shops.

On the other hand, Metaspacecy also brings new customers to local businesses, for example: people from crypto space, gamers, virtual product's users...

Outside is where brands can book and display their advertisements on the billboards. Meanwhile, local shops open their own store in this space so that their customers can come, see 3D item images and shop directly from here.

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